Friday, August 27, 2010

It's The Little Things That Make My Heart Melt

Today is the day we go to get my 6 year old's other earring re-pierced.  She is hesitant and nervous, they piercer has to again trick her to get it done.  She screams a little tiny scream looks in the mirror and quickly looks up at me with tears in her eyes and the biggest smile I've seen in a long time and says "It's done, yeah, it's done!" Then she wraps her arms around my waist buries her head into my tummy and gives me the biggest hug.

I am sitting on the bench in the mall feeding my baby while her older sisters are amusing themselves and drinking their bottles of juice.  My 3 year old is standing in front of me drinking and listening to the music over the mall speakers (obviously enjoying her own little world).  Then I notice her hips, ever so slightly, start moving from side to side, she is bobbing her head very subtly.  Her hips start to move a little more, then she starts bending her knees down, down she goes. Yep, there she goes her little butt is wiggling away, she just starts bopping to the music.

I'm holding my baby in my arms and trying to get her to say some words (okay, noises).  
I start with 'baba' go
'dada'....she repeats it
So I point and touch my chest mama, then I do the same to her and say her name, I point and do the same to my chest and when I touch her chest again I get the cutest high pitch giggle out of her.  

.....My heart is 3 times bigger than before I had children, I love you girls with all my heart.

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