Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's hard not to laugh

So it's been a busy couple of days and the kids haven't been getting to bed on time so they are a little cranky, to say the least. This morning at breakfast my husband makes pancakes at our 3 year old's request. She wanted one ‘as small as her head’.  My husband is very creative and makes her a flower shape pancake 'as big as her head' and she loves it, he gets a smile. He puts the syrup on it and proceeds to cut it up for her.  She has a fit "I don’t want it cut up!" and on and on. 
After she carries on for awhile my husband takes her by the hand goes to her room and tells her when she is ready to behave she can come out. After a minute or so I go in to calm her down and explain that she won’t be able to eat the pancake unless it’s cut up, we come to an agreement that she eats this pancake as is and the next one won’t be cut up. She finishes this pancake and asks for another.  My husband puts it on her plate, dresses it up and leaves her to it. 
She takes one look at it, touches it with her fork and says "Cut up please"...OMG!...I had to laugh.

Later my 3 year old is getting in the way of her older sister (who is also having a fit about cleaning the toy room, but that's another blog).  I ask her to come to the bottom of the stairs so I can talk to her without yelling. She yells for me to come downstairs (I don’t think so) I explain that I am busy and have my hands full and could she please come here.  I start the 'count' but before I even get to 3 my husband has had enough, he goes down, gives her trouble and tells her to get upstairs. She comes up to me bawling (she's very sensitive and does not like to get into any trouble)  
"Why didn’t you come when I asked you to?" I ask.
(sniffle, sob, sniffle) "Because I was busy too."....OMG! was hard to stifle my laugh.

So we are eating lunch and my picky 6 year old does not like the sloppy joes daddy has made (big surprise, it's something new). My husband tell her that when he was little it was a big treat when his mommy made him sloppy joes. 
Without missing a beat she says “Why, were they a lot better than these?”...OMG!...that one would have made milk come out my nose if I was drinking.

While I'm putting my 3 year old to bed she falls asleep during our story.  I kiss her gentle and she wakes up ever so slightly and quietly mumbles "Mommy, I'm hungry" ...awww...that made me giggle.  It's something I hear from her all day long and she always says it to me in bed.

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