Thursday, August 26, 2010

Good Things Come in Small Packages

I started to write a blog for two reasons first to get all my thoughts out on paper (so to speak) so my mind stops racing (especially at bed time) and also as a look back.  When my girls are older it might be interesting to see how things were; the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Then it occurs to me I haven't written much in regards to my baby.  Which is quite surprising since she is a huge part of my day, needing as much care as she does at this age.  

My third beautiful girl is now 8-1/2 months old.  She is bright, beautiful and a thrill to watch these days as she is learning so much.  We are having a rough time sleeping these past couple of nights since I'm pretty sure those stubborn upper middle incisors are coming out (hopefully soon).  So we wake up kinda early today, I bring her into our bed hoping to nurse her then maybe (if I'm lucky) get a touch more sleep.  She is more interested in playing around, kicking, jumping about, and giggling the whole time.  My husbands decides it's time to get out of bed and start the coffee (boy do I need it!)
"Geeeeee" she squeals as she discovers a free zone, immediately scoots over to his side of the bed and tries to dive over and grab anything she can off that side table.  I hop up and scoop her back, tickling her belly so she doesn't get too upset at the failure of her quest.  Up into the air she goes, we head into her bedroom to change her diaper.  Changing diapers is quite a challenge these days, she would much rather be exploring than sitting still for anything especially something as boring as diaper changes. Out into the kitchen so I can get started on her breakfast.  She doesn't eat much breakfast this morning, which is a little odd for her.  Not long after that she makes room in her belly, off to the change table again.  She plays on the floor downstairs for a bit, oops we need another trip to the change table.  Okay, so that's pretty much how my early morning went because I changed a third poo diaper before 10 am, I think we now know why she didn't eat much for breakfast, because she was full.  Snack for her is to nurse when she is done with that she is starting to get tired and goes down for a nap shortly after 10:00 this morning.  By the time she wakes up we are starting to think about lunch and getting it started so she plays in her highchair, I throw a few cheerios her way every now and then to keep her happy.  After lunch today we pack into the car and head into town for some shopping.  She really enjoys shopping, so many things to see and watch.  About the only thing she hates about shopping is getting into the car, so I try and do as much shopping as I can in one place.  Three stops is about her limit for car seat in and out, any more than that and I have to do the funky rattle dance (okay, do the buckles up as fast as I can before she notices).  After we get home, she gets another bum change (only wet; phew!).  Since she is fussing again I try and give her a soother in order to get her down for another nap, but she will have none of it, which tells me she wants to nurse.  Take her downstairs to the couch to nurse, wasn't really thinking because she nursed but she was really distracted by her sisters and was cooing and giggling with them.  I put her down on the floor to play since she seems happy again,  She is practicing pulling herself up, not getting very far today but she is having fun trying.  Don't know how, but we forgot about the afternoon nap and she's kinda showing it now, (oops) but it could be hunger too.  While getting dinner ready she has gotten really fussy.  I finally have her plate ready but she slaps the food away (either she is poopy again or too tired to eat).  Off to the change table again, there is a messy bum and when I open the diaper I discover why she was so upset, red hot cheeks of fire are staring back at me.  My husband distracts her while I try and clean her as gently as possible and coat her in a heavy layer of bum cream, diaper back on as loose as I can.  She is now ready to eat her dinner with enthusiasm.  I get a nice bath ready for her, hopefully it will help soothe her bum too.  She has a blast in the tub, splashing and rolling all over, clean her up, let her play for a bit.  Getting her back into a diaper and pjs is a bit challenging tonight, probably from being overtired.  Time for bed, she falls asleep nursing tonight (which I don't really like, oh well).  Hopefully our sleep will be better tonight (fingers crossed)

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