Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Hear Ye! Hear Ye!"

I hate yelling.  I hate the way it makes me feel.  I especially hate the look in my daughters eyes when I yell at them.  It's amazing how they can look me in the eye and I feel them seeing mama transform into this horrific monster with fangs and claws (although I don't blame them a bit).  It occurred to me that I have been yelling a lot lately.  Now with my 7 year old bored and missing friends and my 3 year old being a typical 3 year old I have my reasons, but maybe a bit too much, okay a heck of a lot too much.  
I'm sure if I asked my husband "have I been yelling too much?" he would give me that look, that same look I would get if I asked him if I looked fat in an outfit, the look that says if I answer this honestly I will get slapped.  So last night going to sleep I vowed that I will not yell at the kids tomorrow, come hell or high water I will not yell, DAMMIT!  
This morning went very well, everyone was getting along and if the kids did something wrong I calmly asked them to stop.  Now I did have to repeat myself a couple of times (firmly) but I was not yelling or getting an angry face on.  I did slip up once and kinda shouted (her name) when my 3 year old dropped the camera a 5th time. (Now mind you it is a kid's camera, but still it can only take so much, right? okay, oops! I overreacted)  I again yelled NO (or stop, not sure, I was panic ridden) when my 6 year old went to dash back across the road to claim her sisters lost flip flop without looking, but for safety reasons I think it's okay.  I was very proud of myself for not yelling when my 3 year old bit the finger of her baby sister so hard it left a crease for an extended period of time.  I felt the wrath rising within me, but I restrained myself and talked with her calmly and rationally after sending her into a timeout.  I even remained calm when my 6 year old took a fit and tried to refuse to come upstairs for supper.  I think the girls only had 2 major squabbles amongst themselves today, but we got those straightened around without too much difficulty.  All in all a good day, not sure if it had anything to do with my restraint or the fact that my girls were being good little angles instead of needful divas.  I really hope that our days continue down a calmer, more relaxed path.

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