Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All I Want for my Birthday is.....

Ah, the wish list has come to me, I asked my soon to be 7 year old to make out a list for her birthday and Christmas wishes.  I've given translation for those who don't read grade 2 writing, but if you say it phonetically you can usually understand what they are saying.

Wish List for Birthday
zoo zoo pets,
zoo zoo pet climre (climber),
zoo zoo pet clowse (clothes),
clowse for me,
costchooms (costumes),
and most importintly (importantly) munny munny (money)!

So apparently she really wants some of these zoo zoo pets, some kind of interactive fad toy hamsters they have on the market right now.  She loves her clothes and costumes comes from the fact that we are in the midst of hallowe'en.  The last thing on the list made me chuckle to myself since my daughter has no strong concept of money yet nor how much things really cost, so I wonder what she is planning on buying?
All in all a pretty reasonable list, I think.  No big ticket items or unreasonable demands.  She has always been more of the heat of the moment kind of girl.  Wants something but the thought quickly fades as time passes.  Hasn't really held onto an idea for very long, except for her Nintendo DS and she got that last year for Christmas.

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