Friday, September 17, 2010

No Pain, No Gain

I love going for a walk with my girls.  It is a wonderful bonding experience and great exercise, at least for them.  In the spring and summer they bring new meaning to the saying 'stop to smell the roses'.  In their case it is stop at every flower, be it weed or not, and pick it (usually for mommy).  Now we live in a rural area so we are surrounded by wild flowers and the whole length of our road is riddled with flora.  Needless to say we do not walk at a very brisk pace.  So I may have to stand around a lot more than I get to walk and I may end up with stinky hands from a strange floral bouquet, but I still love it.

My 6 year old is riding very well on her bicycle and my 3 year old is really getting a handle on her tricycle.  So I'm thinking great we'll be able to get some speed in our walks if I have two girls on bikes and another in a stroller.  I head out today with my 3 year old (6 year old is in school), she's on her tricycle and I have the baby in the stroller.  We start out and she is pushing her trike better than ever, for all of 3 steps, before she stops to ask me a question.  We start out again, we get 2 more steps before she stops again to point at something she sees.  Basically the whole trip was like this walking 2 or 3 steps and stopping to chat. It was too comical to get upset at, she is such a cutie. 
...And to think I was actually worried about her speech and language skills as a baby.

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