Sunday, November 14, 2010

Road Trip

I used to love Sunday drives, heading out on a beautiful sunny day and just enjoying the quiet scenery, but with young children quiet doesn't exist anymore and road trip has taken on a whole new meaning.
My husband announces that he would like to go look at a used snow mobile he has found on kijiji and it would be a nice family drive, would I like to go?  My first instinct....'ROADTRIP!" second reality check 'ugh, roadtrip?"
You see my husband is thinking it's only an hour and half away and its a nice day.  I'm thinking that is a total of three hours the kids would be sitting in the car and they get very antsy when they've been sitting too long.  I envision lots of 'are we there yet', 'how much longer', 'she's touching me' and 'ouch, she pulled my hair' among other calls from the backseat.  But, I don't really want him to make this purchase so I figure I might get the chance to be a voice of reason if he has a moment of hesitation.
Preparations begin....
I start with the easiest my 7 year old, send her upstairs to get dressed, brush her teeth and hair and have a pee. (haha one down, two to go) I ask my 3 year old to come upstairs with me so we can get her dressed.  We go upstairs together to pick out an outfit.  There are no arguments today on what to wear so getting her clothes on works out very well.  Into the bathroom we go, I ask again/remind my 7 year old to get ready, as I get my 3 year old's toothbrush ready and brush her hair while she brushes her teeth.  (haha two down, baby to go) I pick up the baby, remind my 7 year old that she will need socks and a sweater over her t-shirt since it is no longer summer, take the baby into her room, diaper change and dresses.  Lots of complaints and wiggles from baby but we get the job done.  Check the diaper bag, calculate how long we might be gone and how many diapers I could need.  Into the kitchen, pass my 7 year old and remind her to get her hair and teeth brushed, pack a small snack and drink for baby.  I look for travel drink containers for the older girls but I don't see anything clean, oh well we can buy something on the road if they need it.  I do grab a snack/treat for the girls since they have already asked.  Get myself dresses and ready very quickly, double check that my 7 year old is ready (can you tell she's a bit of a dawdler) We are all ready to go, now for the outdoor gear.  Get the baby's stuff on, help my 3 year old with her coat, she does her boots herself and my 7 year old is ready by herself with no reminding required.
Oh, where's my husband while all this is going on you might ask, standing around somewhere twiddling his thumbs waiting for us, I'm sure.  Why? you might ask.  Well, unfortunately (love him to death but..) he has no clue, I find if he does help with one child he always forgets something important and I don't notice until it's too late (and we're talking coats and hats), once in the summer we got to the grocery store and my 3 year old was without shoes.  So it's easier if I get everything ready that way I know we have everything and if not it's my fault.
The Trip....
The trip in a whole was pretty uneventful.  Yes, we had our backseat arguments and the girls had to be told on several occasions to keep their hands to themselves, but all and all pretty good.  You know how I mentioned that we could buy drinks for the girls on the road if needed.  Why is it you can never find a stinking corner store, drink machine when you are looking for one?  And of course we were even stuck waiting for the ferry at one point so that was even longer the girls had to wait in order to find a store.  But my husband bought ice cream as well and that appeased them enough we didn't hear another word about being hungry or thirsty.  And there was of course the bathroom break, this is were I regret having all girls, my husband gets off pretty easy with this one (and to think I only have two out of diapers).  We get to a public washroom, get the girls out of the vehicle and my husband says "I have to go when you get back" (I hope he can hold it??)
Boohoo, my husband didn't even have a millisecond of hesitation on his purchase, Hopefully he won't mind me moving it under the tree for him at Christmas.

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